When plotting stars or deep sky objects (DSOs), you may want to limit the plotted objects by more than just a limiting magnitude. Starplot provides a way to filter stars/DSOs by using expressions. This allows you to be very specific about which objects to plot, and it also gives you a way to style objects differently (e.g. if you want to style very bright stars differently than dim stars).
To select objects to plot, you pass a list of expressions using the where keyword argument. For example, here's how you'd plot all stars that have a magnitude less than 6 and a B-V index of more than 0.4:
When passing the where kwarg, the mag kwarg will be ignored, and only the stars/DSOs that satisfy ALL the where conditions will be plotted. You can reference any field on the model in expressions, and there are also a few functions available for determining if a field is null or is in a list of values. For complete details about selecting objects, see the reference page.
Here's some code that uses the where kwarg extensively to produce the image above:
fromstarplotimportMapPlot,Projection,DSO,Star,callablesfromstarplot.stylesimportPlotStyle,extensionsstyle=PlotStyle().extend(extensions.ANTIQUE,extensions.MAP,)p=MapPlot(projection=Projection.MILLER,ra_min=15.6,ra_max=19.8,dec_min=-45.2,dec_max=-3,style=style,resolution=4000,autoscale=True,)p.constellations()p.constellation_borders()p.stars(# select the brightest stars:where=[Star.magnitude<=3],# here we make the stars 2x bigger by passing in a custom size function (i.e. a callable)# you'll learn more about this later in the tutorial...size_fn=lambdad:callables.size_by_magnitude(d)*2,# use an 8-pointed star for bright star markers:style__marker__symbol="star_8",style__label__offset_x=8,style__label__offset_y=-8,style__label__border_width=2,style__label__border_color="#fefaed",)p.stars(where=[Star.magnitude>3,# select the dimmer starsStar.magnitude<9,],bayer_labels=True,catalog="big-sky-mag11",)p.nebula(where=[# select DSOs which have no defined magnitude or less than 10DSO.magnitude.is_null()|(DSO.magnitude<10),],true_size=True,# plot nebula as their true size)p.open_clusters(where=[DSO.magnitude.is_null()|(DSO.magnitude<10),],true_size=False,)p.globular_clusters(where=[DSO.magnitude.is_null()|(DSO.magnitude<10),],true_size=False,)p.ecliptic()p.celestial_equator()p.milky_way()p.constellation_labels()p.export("tutorial_06.png",padding=0.08)
In the next section, we'll learn how to lookup objects to create plots...